GIPA presently operates an accredited AMERICAN CURRICULUM from the American accreditation agency, Cognia. Our curriculum from Kindergarten to Grade 12 is aligned with the California Common Core Curriculum Standards of the USA as guidelines to what every student should know and be able to do from kindergarten to grade 12. GIPA has additionally adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for science subjects across all grades from Kindergarten to grade12. The new framework of NGSS ensures that our students are connecting science, technology, engineering and math and are provided with internationally benchmarked science education.
To read more about the Common Core Standards, visit this link: and for more information on NGSS, please visit the official website: For easy access to the common core standards and NGSS, download the common core app available for android and apple devices.

Our curriculum prepares students for college, career, and life. We place a lot of importance on co-curricular activities and hands-on experiences in addition to theoretical learning to ensure a balanced development of students.
Our curriculum is developmentally and culturally appropriate. It is a broad curriculum that is designed to offer every student exposure to a full range of subjects like English language arts and reading, math, science, health, information technology, French, social studies, physical education, arts and music in addition to Arabic language for native and non-native speakers and Islamic studies so that young learners have access to all areas of knowledge, and they can begin to develop their passions. In the high school, options expand further still to include more business studies, sciences and design technology.