The assessment model at GIPA helps students make rapid progress and succeed at school. We follow a continuous assessment model where there is a strong focus on formative, performance-based assessments (PAs) like projects, essays, presentations, speeches, research papers, models, as well as low stakes quizzes and tests. In addition, we are currently using several standardized assessments like SAT, AP, TOEFL, IELTS, EmSAT, and MAP exams to evaluate students’ performance in relation to the international norms. This model allows us to constantly share with students and parents reliable and comprehensive information about our students’ achievement against the school curriculum and expectations as well as internationally. Parents and students are provided with real time assessment data on the school learning management system (Canvas), school portal and the GIPA mobile application.
Teachers check students’ understanding systematically and effectively in lessons, offering clearly directed and timely feedback and support. Teachers also challenge students through providing them with a selection of projects and performance assessment tasks (PAs) that aim at evaluating how they consolidate the learning. Students’ achievement is high, considering their different starting points. As they move through the school in all subjects, students make sustained progress, developing excellent knowledge, skills and understanding. Most of our students score in line with or above standards.